Board Members
Awardit’s board consists of 5 members who are elected for one year at a time at the annual general meeting. The board’s task is to ensure that Awardit’s operations grow and develop in a long-term and value-creating manner.
Samir Taha
Chairman of the Board. Member of the board since 2000.
Born: 1970
Other assignments: Chairman of the Board in Nordic Level Group AB(publ), Leadmot in MySafety Group (publ), Aros Bostadsutveckling AB(a unit of Besqab), Out of Home AB (publ), Docteum AB (publ) (MobileDoctor), Kalifen AB, Visiren AB, Sultanen Invest AB, Divanen AB, Taha&Taha Projektering AB (with associated group companies).
Education: Master of Science in Business Administration, UppsalaUniversity.
Current position: Grundare och ordförande i investeringskommittén för Aros Bostadsutveckling AB samt verksam som entreprenör och investerare. Senior advisor till Proptech Farm.
Experience: Formerly worked as an auditor and financial consultant atArthur Andersen, CEO and owner of Scarena, and active in the media and advertising industry. Independent to the company and group management. Not independent in relation to major shareholders in the company
Total number of shares held: 300 000 aktier (through Sultanen InvestAB).
Niklas Lundqvist
Board member: Member of the board since 1999.
Born: 1970
Other assignments: Board member in all subsidiaries of Awardit AB(publ), Vatone AB, and Out of Home AB.
Education: Juris Doctor and LLM, Uppsala University and MaastrichtUniversity, Economics at the Gothenburg School of Business, UppsalaUniversity.
Current position: Acquisition and business development at Awardit AB.
Erfarenhet: Magnusson Wahlin Advokatbyrå AB, VD & Koncernchef Awardit AB (publ).
Not independent in relation to major shareholders in the company.
Total number of shares held: 1,023,841 shares and 37,000 warrants
Charlotte Eisner
Board member. Member of the board since 2017
Bron: 1971
Other assignments: Board member at Eisner Enterprises in Sweden AB
Education: Master of Science in Business Administration, GothenburgUniversity School of Business.
Current position: Head of Business Development at Zeekr TechnologyEurope.
Experience:Senior Management Consultant at Mercuri International,Global Marketing Director at SAS Eurobonus, Co-founder and CEO ofCharge Amps, Global Marketing Director at DEFA, Brands and SalesDirector at NEVS, and Chief Commercial Officer at Ferroramp (publ).Independent in relation to the company, group management, or major shareholders in the company.
Total number of shares held: 0 shares.
Peter Borsos
Board member. Member of the board since 2020.
Born: 1969
Other assignments: Board member at Buddy Company AB, PFT GlobalVenture AB (publ), Nordic Level Group AB (publ), Eatable AB.
Education: Master of Economics, National Economics, ÖrebroUniversity, Freie Universität Berlin, and University of Massachusetts.
Current position: Communications Director at Ericsson
Experience: Communications Director at Telia Company, Head of TeliaGlobal, Communications Director at Swedbank, Vice CEO ofÅlandsbanken. Independent in relation to the company, group management, or major shareholders in the company.
Total number of shares held: 51,000 shares (directly and through family).
Simon Damkjær Wille
Board member. Member of the board since 2024.
Born: 1987
Other assignments: Chairman of the Board at Stronger AB.
Education: Copenhagen Business School.
Current position: Partner, Polaris Management A/S.
Experience: Polaris, A.P. Moeller-Maersk. Independent to thecompany and group management. Not independent in relation tomajor shareholders in the company.
Total number of shares held: 0 shares.
Ownership of shares and subscription options refers to ownership ofown and related shares as of December 31, 2023.
Group Management
Awardit Group-focus on management and development of Awardit Group. Decision on group level priorities.
Erik Grohman
CEO, employee since 2022
Born: 1974
Education: Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics, StockholmUniversity
Professional experience: Essilor Luxottica, Zmarta, Betsson, Nordisk Film, ScanFoods, Unilever
Total number of shares held: 12,300 shares and 53,000 warrants
Jacob Stjernfält
Group CFO, employee since 2024
Born: 1973
Education: Master of Science in Business Administration, School of Economics,Lunds University
Board member of: Jacob Stjernfält Aktiebolag
Professional experience: Interim CFO and advisor for a number of companies,Group CFO ZetaDisplay AB (publ.), CFO, Finance director Latin AmericaEF Education, VP Finance Metro International, Auditor at Arthur Andersen.
Total number of shares held: 0 shares and 0 warrants
Cecilia Asp
Group CHRO, employee since 2023-01 (consultant from 2022-09)
Born: 1973
Education: Master Human Resources Management, Business administration
Professional experience: +20 år leading HR and Support functions
Total number of shares held: 0 shares and 1,900 warrants
Tobias Nilsson Vo
Group CIO, employee since 2022
Born: 1970
Education: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Linköpings Universitet
Professional experience: Chief Supply Chain Officer Musti Group, CIO & Head ofSupply Chain Indiska Magasinet, Senior Manager Retail Accenture, Consultant Lutab, Dynamics Engineer Gulfstream Aerospace.
Total number of shares held: 400 shares and 10,000 warrants
Joerg Behnke
Senior Business Development Advisor DACH
Born: 1962
Education: Hapag-Lloyd AG, Hamburg (Schifffahrtskaufmann)
Professional experience: Hapag–LLoydAG, Hamburg (Area Sales ManagerScandinavia / Middle East), OTTO Versand, Hamburg (Head of and Projektmanager”OTTO der Club”Loyalty program), OTTO Versand / Hermes (Divisionmanager/Bereichsleiter Loyalty & Sales), Bertelsmann Mktng. Services (ARVATO),Wilhelmshaven & Gütersloh (Head of Department/ Hauptabteilungsleiter LoyaltyD23), DHL (Director Produktmanagement DD Dom. B2C), Prämie Direkt, Wedel &Elmshorn (CEO)
Total number of shares held: 7,600 shares
Christian Haslinger
CEO Connex Marketing GmbH and CEO Prämie Direkt GmbH
Born: 1989
Education: Master of science in Business Informatics, University of Technology,Vienna
Professional experience :Ernst & Young Advisory
Total number of shares held: 0 shares
Innehav av aktier och teckningsoptioner avser innehav av egna och närstående aktier per 31 december 2023.
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